Smethwick to Birmingham Corridor – What’s happening?

By BCBF 2021 (other events)

Wednesday, October 13 2021 2:30 PM 4:00 PM CET

Hear about the cross-boundary and multi-agency collaboration that is bringing forward a vision for the regeneration corridor between Sandwell and Birmingham. We will outline how, together with other agencies, an Area Framework has been prepared setting guiding principles to assist in identifying investment opportunities across the area.

Working with Birmingham City Council, West Midlands Combined Authority and Homes England, Sandwell Council has been working to prepare an Area Framework for the regeneration corridor between Smethwick and Birmingham City Hospital.

The new Midland Metropolitan University Hospital sits at the corridor’s core, driving the vision for a new “Healthy Community” and acting as an anchor institution for the area’s regeneration - new development within the corridor will enhance the area’s strengths, address its historic importance whilst looking forward to new investment opportunities such as new housing, jobs, education and higher education opportunities.

Hear how a comprehensive approach was taken to encompass the aims and visions of all relevant stakeholders within the area by gaining valuable input from Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust and Canal & River Trust.

This event will provide the opportunity for you to see the proposals being put forward within this major regeneration corridor, how the partners have worked together to promote opportunities for investment that will create jobs, improve skills and education and create a vision to contribute to Route to Zero and inclusive growth.